BugReport is a ready to use FileMaker Add-on that makes it a snap to implement a bug report system to your FileMaker custom app.

Drag the add-on onto your layout and boom, your users can send proper, documented bug report, by e-mail (smtp) or via Freshdesk

A user of your application can now click the "bug report button", enter a subject and a description (including rich text formatting), and add attachments.

Additionally, BugReport will give you well formatted context information (layout, window mode, application version…) as well as a Snapshot link (if the app is hosted), so you can put yourself in the user's situation in no time.

Two more files are also attached to the bug report: ScriptError.log, the file that you get if you set error logging on, and env.json, that contains all relevant information returned by Get and Design functions (without pulling data from the database, of course)

Bug report supports smtp and Freshdesk API. No additional plug-in is required.

The code is open and can be adapted.


By default, the configuration button is available to Full Access users only.

Freshdesk configuration has priority over smtp. This means that if both configuration are correct, messages will be sent using Freshdesk.

To enable a configuration, you must use the corresponding Test button.

SMTP configuration

IMPORTANT NOTICE : Google's smtp (Gmail) is not supported

  • server address: the IP or the host name of the smtp server.
  • port: by default 25. Typical is 465 with SSL Encryption, and 587 with TLS.
  • from address (a general address), users can enter a reply-to address while sending the e-mail
  • user name (optional)
  • password (optional)
  • encryption (none, SSL, TLS)
  • verify certificate. Usually, shouldn't verify with SSL and must be on with TLS. But we've seen exceptions

Freshdesk configuration

Report an issue

Once configured (at least one of the configurations is complete), the button Report and issue (with a bug icon) is visible in the main toolbar.

The user only has to enter his/her e-mail address (only once), a subject and a message body.

A formatting bar allows simple styling such as font size, bold, italic…

More formatting are available from the right-click menu (text color, font…)

The user can add attachements as well.


Once sent, if using Freshdesk configuration, a button takes the user to the newly created ticket on Freshdesk portal.

The user can close the window or immediately report another issue.