A simple and clean way to display PDF on FileMaker layouts, with no dependency to Acrobat PDFViewer Internet plugin, and without it's 'changing' (to be polite) interface.

Product page: https://www.add-on-olam.com

How to:

  1. install: on a computer with FileMaker Pro 19 or newer installed, click the Install your add-ons button on your confirmation e-mail
  2. relaunch FileMaker Pro
  3. in layout mode, open the add-on panel on the left
  4. click the + button and add the add-on to your custom app
  5. drag the add-on icon onto your layout
  6. double click the web viewer object. It's pre-configured with a custom function.
    1. the first parameter, _file, expects a container field or a variable containing a binary file (container)
    2. the second parameter, _parameter, allows you to pass various options (more will be implemented in future releases). For now options are for Audio/Video media only. Parameters should be passed as ¶ delimited list like: List ( "autoplay" ; "controls" )
      1. autoplay: play the video/audio media on record load or on insert
      2. controls: display the controls to play/pause…


  • display single/multiple page PDF files in full width
  • display images (jpeg, gif, png)
  • display svg
  • display json files (pretty)
  • display text files (txt, csv, tab, log…)
  • display html
  • display audio / video. Option to display controls and autoplay.


  • Important notice: this PDF viewer is purposedly super simple. There is no feature such as thumbnails, comments, zoom, search… The second parameter of the custom function might be used in future releases to add these features optionally, but for now (version 1.2, they are not included)
  • 1MT PDF Viewer relies on the native Web Viewer object, therefore all limitations are inherited, such as:
    • on Windows, will always display in foreground
    • cannot be inserted in a portal object
    • if inserted in a popover of which the button is in a portal, will display the first related record. To work around this limitation use this formula:
      Ω1MT_pdfViewer ( GetNthRecord ( relatedTable::container ; Get ( ActivePortalRowNumber )) ; "" )
    • This will work because opening the popover will make the row active. Note: if the portal is sorted, the result will be inconsistent. In this situation choose to sort the relationship rather than the portal object.


As of version 1.3 (July 2024), the add-on includes an update mechanism (with a new script and a new layout)

If you have an older version, you can't update automatically. Please contact support to update the code snippet.

Change Log

1.1 - new file types supported

1.2 - new file types supported

1.3 - update mechanism, security update

License terms:

Single developer: install on your Mac or Windows PC, implement in as many files as you want. You're not allowed distribute to other developers, including colleagues.


Q: In just installed 1MT PDF Viewer and configured the web viewer but what I get is an error message in the web viewer (? Line 1…)

A: this happens if you installed the add-on with FileMaker 19.1. The issue was fixed by Claris in 19.2. Please update your FileMaker Pro app (from the help menu, select "Check for updates" and follow the update process). Then re-install the add-on by clicking once more on the link in your confirmation e-mail.

Q: Some users cannot see the document and get is an error message in the web viewer (? Line 1…)

Please check your security settings and ensure all privileges have read access on table Ω1MT_PDF_VIEWER